Kalpactive 'Cold Brand' DCT Type Dyes

 (COLD BRAND-DICHLORO TRIAZINE BASED)                                                                            SHADE CARDS


 This pattern card illustrates - dyes in the dyeing of all cotton mercerized poplin. The dyes are of particular interest  in the dyeing and printing of cellulosic fibres, such as Cotton, Linen, Viscose, Cuprammonium and Polynosic  rayons."c"brands are highly reactive requiring comparatively milder conditions in dye fixation. They are primarly of  dyeing at normal room temperature (about25-35o c) using Soda Ash or Sodium Bicarbonate. 'C' Reactive dyes are  applicable to cellulosic textiles byBatch-wise, Semi-continuous and Continuous methods in conventional textile  machinery like Open-vat, Package, jet, Jig,Winch and Padding mangle.The versatility in various application  procedures and the availability of a wide range of bright and fast shades are the outstanding features of this class  of dyestuffs.



 The dyestuffs should be stored in cold and dry conditions. Thecontainers should be tightly closed when not in use.  High temperature, humidity and alkaline pH conditions reduce the stability of the dyes in solution. Water Supply Soft  or softened water should be employed, avoiding alkalinity especially while dissolving the dyes. When had water  alone is available, it should be softened with sequestering agents. In dyeing,the pH of the water supply should be  within the limits of pH=7-8.


 In order to obtain satisfactory results, the preparation of the cotton material, prior to dyeing is most important. The  goods should be de-sized and scoured well in order to impart adequate absorbency to the substrate and remove all  impurities that may impede proper dye uptake in the subsequent dyeing process. Level shades with optimum dye  peneterating and colourfastness are obtained only on well-prepared material.


 The dyestuff is made in to a smooth paste with cold water and dissolved by adding warm water, while stirring.  Where solubility limits are exceeded satisfactory solution can be obtained by adding of urea.


 This is recommended for cotton yarn in Open-vat (Beck) or Package-dyeing machines: cotton piece goods on  Jigger, Winch, Jet-dyeing machines etc. The bath is set at room temperature (about 25-35oc) with pre-dissolved  dye and run for 10 minutes. Pre-dissolved salt (Glauber's Salt or Common salt)is added and run for 20-30  minutes.Pre-dissolved alkali(Soda Ash)is then added and dyeing is continued for 30-60 minutes.Finally,Washing-off  as described at the end.



 In all above methods of application which involve padding, the following precautions are valuable to help avoid  "tailing or ending" effects in the dyeings:

 a) Employing a small pad trough 'V' or 'U' shaped, having an optimum capacity of 5-10 litres.

 b) Using high running speeds commensurate with the needs of the rest of the process and setting the padding  mangle to give adequate squeeze. Normally, 60-70% nipexpressin may be kept for cotton goods. The mangle  squeeze should be even on the padded goods and the trough, fed with dye liquor to a constant level throughout.

 c) In all dye-fixing operations, involving steaming in particular, addition of Resist Salt is recommended to the  padding liquor to counteract any adverse reducive action of the dye.

 Add 5-10 parts sodium bicarbonate (predissolved) and 2-5parts Calsolene Oil HS to dye padding solution at  20- 30oc. Migration during drying can be minimized by using suitable wetting agent and 10 parts of dissolved  common salt or Glauber's Salt (unhydrous) Pad to give minimum pick up. Diffuse into viscose rayon is aided by  batching and storing for 1 hour or more before drying. Dry at 100-200oc for 1-2 minutes in hot flue, or pin stenter  or on cylinders set to dry slowly. Wash to clear agents and unfixed dye.

 Pad-batch method

 Pad Liquor composition:

 'C' dyes                              -          X parts

 Wetting agent                     -          2-5 parts

 Urea(wherever necessary)     -          50-200

 Soda Ash                            -          As per table 1

 Total                                 -          1000 parts

 Process Dissolve dye, urea and wetting agent. The dye solution and alkali are mixed just before padding. The goods  are padded in the above pad liquor solution and immediately batched on plastic sheet and kept for 2 hours and then  washed.

 Washing-off procedure

 In order to obtain maximum wet-fastness properties, brightness and purity of shades with consistent dyeing  results,it is essential to give a thorough 'Soaping'toclear-off unreacted hydrolysed dye from the dyed fabric.

 The dyed fabric is rinsed repeatedlyin cold water to remove most of the alkali,salt and unfixed dye present and  rinsed again in warm water not higher than 60o c.Then run in a bath containing:  

 Anionic detergent

 1-2 gms/litre for 15 minutes at the boil. Then rinse in warm water (up to 60o c) and finally in cold water. The most  Satisfactory results in Washing-off, particularly forpiece goods, are obtained by employing an Opensoaper or  perforated Beam-washing machine. If such equipments are not available, conventional ones like Jig or Winch may be  used. For yarn in the hank form, open-vat is employed and for yarn in package form the package-dyeing machine  itself is used.

 Key to Abbreviations :
 L           = Low
 M          = Medium
 H          = High

V           =Very High 

 +          =Suitable
(+)       = Fairly Suitable
 -           = Not Suitable









Dischargeability        :   G = Good,   F = Fair,   P = Poor

 Light                            :   1 to 8 in increasing order

 Washing & other       :   1 to 5 in increasing order

 Y          = Yellow

 O          = Orange

 R          = Red

 V          = Violet

 B          = Blue

 Br        = Brown

 Bl         = Black

 G          = Green